CryptoHero Telegram Guidelines

Dear Fellow CryptoHeroes, please review our latest Telegram Group Chat Guidelines below. They will help ensure a more non-intrusive and informative channel for our users.

  1. All customer support issues will be directed to private message with us (Telegram ID: @novumgroup)
  2. Any messages posted with a customer support nature will be deleted by our Admins. Our team will PM the individual user to assist him/her further. This will prevent users in the Telegram Group from being inundated with unnecessary  and irrelevant chat messages.
  3. No overt or subtle advertising or mentions of other competitors are allowed.
  4. Any links to external websites will be deleted.

CryptoHero offers a very comprehensive Customer Service support system via

  1. Real time WhatsApp
  2. Real time Telegram (via PM)
  3. Web form (in Web App)
  4. Email (admin [at]

Thank you for your cooperation. We hope this new Telegram Group Chat Guidelines will better create a more conducive environment for our community.